• Almond blossom in February

    From Torrox to Competa

    Mandelblüte 24

The almond blossom | From Torrox to Competa

The most beautiful route to the almond blossom!

The almond blossom trees are not only beautiful photo motifs – the whole route with the almond tree plantations in the hinterland of Torrox is a popular destination every year!

I’ve marked a fancy route for you here, with the places to stop!

But be careful:

1.) The roads are very winding & narrow. Some flashing lights and bumpers in the ditches tell their own stories.

2.) There are nice rest areas, parking facilities and park benches every few minutes.

There you stop, take pictures or have a nice picnic!

Why is point 2 dangerous?

Unfortunately, I’m not a car driver, but I had it explained to me like this:

Every starting process in a car costs power and draws electricity from the car battery. It is said that the vehicle has to drive for 15 minutes per starting process for the battery to recharge this consumption.

So if you want to stop at every park bench on this route, you need a “good car battery”!

Many holidaymakers drive with a rental car & do not know the condition of this battery – and so it can happen that the car does not start after the 6th or 7th stop.

With these short start-stop actions, you have “unknowingly” drained your battery.

My tip: drive the route twice & don’t stop everywhere.

Flowering begins at the beginning of February, sometimes a few days earlier or later, depending on the temperatures.

If you drive the route again a week later – the landscape looks completely different again!

Have a good trip & nice photos …