Bus connections in the direction of Malaga | Nerja | or Torrox Pueblo

A common question from holidaymakers in Torrox:

How or where can I find the bus timetable to …?

The most popular short destinations are Nerja, Torre del Mar, Malaga and of course to Torrox Pueblo.

There are various ways to find out the travel times, the fares and booking options.

If you stay in Torrox more often or for a longer period of time, you should definitely download the “Alsa App” on your mobile phone.

Anyone who already has experience with such apps will quickly find their way around.

Alsa has a website that can be read in 8 different languages (including German).

Nieto – Line 1

The stops in the municipality of Torrox

Line 1 takes you to your destination within the municipality of Torrox.

From the Pueblo to El Morche, Torrox-Costa or Penonchillo.

The municipality’s page for Line 1 of Nieto is available in Spanish and English .

The website: http://autobusestorrox.es/?l=en

Line 1 will stop in the direction of travel.

For example, to El Morche the bus stops at the stop in front of “ALDI” – to Nerja, at the bus station.

Attention: The website shows the departure times in “real time”.

For example, if it says: 58 min – it is not the travel time, but the time when the next bus leaves at this stop.

Line 1 - Nieto

The Alsa website

Available in eight languages

With Alsa to Nerja or Malaga

The app and the website are available in several languages.


For the journey to Malaga, the express bus (approx. 1 hour journey time) stops at our bus station and then sets off in the direction of Nerja, as it travels via the highway.

The buses are pretty punctual here. If you don’t buy your ticket online, you should have the right change ready.

Suitcases can be stored in the storage space.

The direction of travel and the destination are indicated on the respective buses.

Important: How Alsa allows the transport of animals is explained here:


The summary of this topic:

Conditions for the transportation of pets in buses
Transportation is limited to (1) small pet such as a dog, cat or ferret with a maximum weight of 10 kg.
Pets travel in the luggage compartment of the vehicle in a transport box provided by the passenger or a similar, closed and secure container with an impermeable floor (due to excrement).
According to veterinary advice, travel with pets should be avoided on days and at times when the ambient temperature is above 25ºC.
Alsa bus timetables

Torrox Costa bus station by night

Information about the bus timetables to Nerja or Malaga,

and the municipal bus from Nieto – line 1.

Websites & App Bus timetable information.