Public holidays in Andalusia | Special regulations
It is well known that the Spaniard likes to party. Hardly a weekend goes by without a so-called “Feria” taking place in some place. These holidays will be announced in good time on various Facebook pages.
The public holidays in Spain, such as Christmas, are regulated differently.
There are also a few other special features:
In 2025, each municipality in the province of Málaga will once again have 14 public holidays.
However, two public holidays are local holidays that can be freely chosen by each individual municipality and are always set at the end of the year.
If a public holiday falls on a Sunday, it is automatically moved to Monday, so that the Spaniard does not lose a day off.
This always creates “long weekends” that can be used for a short holiday by the sea.
This year, for example, the Spanish National Day on October 12 falls on a Sunday, so it will be moved to Monday, October 13.
That’s what I call employee-friendly.
But that’s not all:
If a public holiday falls on a Thursday or a Tuesday, many employers give their employees the day off on Friday or Monday.
These days are called Puente (in German – bridge days).
Also very smart, then no one goes “blue”.
On public holidays, all authorities are closed and so are many shops, as well as Spanish supermarkets.
The supermarkets run by foreign companies (Aldi & Lidl) have special opening hours on these days.
Holidays in Spain 2025
Malaga region, Andalusia
Wednesday, January 1
Día de Año Nuevo (New Year's Day)
Monday, January 6
Epifanía del Señor (Epiphany)
Andalusian public holiday
Monday, January 6
Friday, February 28
Día de Andalucía (Andalusia Day)
Andalusian public holiday
Thursday, April 17
Jueves Santo (Maundy Thursday)
Andalusian public holiday
Thursday, April 17
Friday, April 18
Viernes Santo (Good Friday)
Thursday, May 1
Fiesta del Trabajo (Labor Day)
Thursday, May 1
Friday, August 15
Asunción de la Virgen (Assumption of the Virgin Mary)
Monday, October 13
Fiesta Nacional de España (Spanish National Day)
moved from Sunday, October 12 to Monday.
Monday, October 13
Saturday, November 1
Todos los Santos (All Saints' Day)
Saturday, December 6
Día de la Constitución Española (Day of the Spanish Constitution)
Saturday, December 6
Monday, December 8:
Inmaculada Concepción (Day of the Immaculate Conception)
Andalusian public holiday
Thursday, December 25
Natividad del Señor (Nativity of Christ, Christmas Day)
Thursday, December 25

Father’s Day & Mother’s Day in Andalusia
Father’s Day: Wednesday, March 19
In Italy, Portugal and Spain, Father’s Day is celebrated on the so-called St. Joseph’s Day, March 19, according to old Roman Catholic tradition. celebrated.
Traditionally, the day is spent with the family:
With good food and small homemade gifts for the fathers.
Mother’s Day: May 04, 2025
Mother’s Day is always celebrated in Spain on the first Sunday in May, so the date varies.
All about the Spanish holidays in Andalusia
Bridging days & postponements,
if a public holiday falls on a Sunday.
Important for vacation planning